How to use
SliderWall Transitions

SliderWall uses a set of eye-catching effects to transition from one slide to another. These effects are all created with JavaScript and require HTML5 compatible browsers to work (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE9+).

Note: Some of the effects are CPU intensive and will not work correctly on mobile devices such as iPhone and iPad. For mobile deployment we recommend using iPad compatible effects Alpha and Slide which are less CPU intensive. By setting the optimizeForIpad property of the slider transition (transitionType parameter) to true, the slider will only use the effects that are compatible with mobile devices.

There are other effects that work well on mobile devices like iPad (Disc, FlipBars, Iris, LensGlare) but we recommend using them with images that are not larger than 800 x 600 pixels.


iPad compatible
Works with all types of content (image, Flash clip, HTML content).

duration:Number The duration (in seconds) of the transition. The parameter also accepts decimal values (default 0.75).
easing:String The type of easing used by the motion tween for the transition effect. Possible values are easeIn, easeOut and easeInOut (default easeInOut).
tweenType:String The type of tween motion applied to the transition effect. Possible values are Back, Bounce, Circ, Cubic, Elastic, Expo, Quad, Quart and Sine (default Expo).



Works only with images.

barWidth:Number The width of the transparent bars used by the transition effect. The width is measured in pixels and any decimal values will be rounded up to integer values (default 50).
direction:String The direction of the transition effect. Possible values are l2r (left to right), r2l (right to left), t2b (top to bottom) and b2t (bottom to top) (default l2r).
duration:Number The duration (in seconds) of the transition. The parameter also accepts decimal values (default 1).
easing:String The type of easing used by the motion tween for the transition effect. Possible values are easeIn, easeOut and easeInOut (default easeOut).
random:Boolean If set to true, allows the transition to be applied on a random direction (default false).
tweenType:String The type of tween motion applied to the transition effect. Possible values are Back, Bounce, Circ, Cubic, Elastic, Expo, Quad, Quart and Sine (default Expo).



Works only with images.

direction:String The direction of the transition effect. Possible values are tl2br (top-left to bottom-right), bl2tr (bottom-left to top-right), tr2bl (top-right to bottom-left) and br2tl (bottom-right to top-left) (default tl2br).
duration:Number The duration (in seconds) of the transition. The parameter also accepts decimal values (default 1).
easing:String The type of easing used by the motion tween for the transition effect. Possible values are easeIn, easeOut and easeInOut (default easeOut).
random:Boolean If set to true, allows the transition to be applied on a random direction (default false).
tileHeight:Number The height of the tiles (in pixels) that compose the effect (default 100).
tileWidth:Number The height of the tiles (in pixels) that compose the effect (default 100).
tweenType:String The type of tween motion applied to the transition effect. Possible values are Back, Bounce, Circ, Cubic, Elastic, Expo, Quad, Quart and Sine (default Expo).



Works only with images.

duration:Number The duration (in seconds) of the transition. The parameter also accepts decimal values (default 1).
easing:String The type of easing used by the motion tween for the transition effect. Possible values are easeIn, easeOut and easeInOut (default easeInOut).
tweenType:String The type of tween motion applied to the transition effect. Possible values are Back, Bounce, Circ, Cubic, Elastic, Expo, Quad, Quart and Sine (default Expo).



Works only with images.
Note: works on iPad with images up to 800 x 600 pixels.

barWidth:Number The width of the bars (in pixels) composing the transition effect (default 80).
direction:String The direction of the transition effect. Possible values are l2r (left to right), r2l (right to left), t2b (top to bottom) and b2t (bottom to top) (default l2r).
duration:Number The duration (in seconds) of the transition. The parameter also accepts decimal values (default 1).
easing:String The type of easing used by the motion tween for the transition effect. Possible values are easeIn, easeOut and easeInOut (default easeOut).
random:Boolean If set to true, allows the transition to be applied on a random direction (default false).
tweenType:String The type of tween motion applied to the transition effect. Possible values are Back, Bounce, Circ, Cubic, Elastic, Expo, Quad, Quart and Sine (default Expo).



Works only with images.
Note: works on iPad with images up to 800 x 600 pixels.

duration:Number The duration (in seconds) of the transition. The parameter also accepts decimal values (default 1).
easing:String The type of easing used by the motion tween for the transition effect. Possible values are easeIn, easeOut and easeInOut (default easeInOut).
tweenType:String The type of tween motion applied to the transition effect. Possible values are Back, Bounce, Circ, Cubic, Elastic, Expo, Quad, Quart and Sine (default Expo).



Works only with images.
Note: works on iPad with images up to 800 x 600 pixels.

duration:Number The duration (in seconds) of the transition. The parameter also accepts decimal values (default 1).
easing:String The type of easing used by the motion tween for the transition effect. Possible values are easeIn, easeOut and easeInOut (default easeOut).
gradientWidth:Number The size (in pixels) of the gradient used by the lens glare effect (default 100).
lightDirection:Boolean The direction of the light. If set to true, the light will move from right to left, otherwise it will move from left to right (default true).
lightOffset:Number The position of the light (in pixels) on the Y coordinate. 0 is the center of the target slide (default 0).
margins:Number The distance (in pixels) between the target's margins and the light (default 20).
tweenType:String The type of tween motion applied to the transition effect. Possible values are Back, Bounce, Circ, Cubic, Elastic, Expo, Quad, Quart and Sine (default Expo).



iPad compatible
Works with all types of content (image, Flash clip, HTML content).

direction:String The direction of the slide effect. Possible values are horizontal and vertical (default horizontal).
duration:Number The duration (in seconds) of the transition. The parameter also accepts decimal values (default 0.75).
easing:String The type of easing used by the motion tween for the transition effect. Possible values are easeIn, easeOut and easeInOut (default easeInOut).
tweenType:String The type of tween motion applied to the transition effect. Possible values are Back, Bounce, Circ, Cubic, Elastic, Expo, Quad, Quart and Sine (default Expo).



Works only with images.

direction:String The direction of the transition effect. Possible values are tl2br (top-left to bottom-right), bl2tr (bottom-left to top-right), tr2bl (top-right to bottom-left) and br2tl (bottom-right to top-left) (default tl2br).
duration:Number The duration (in seconds) of the transition. The parameter also accepts decimal values (default 1.5).
easing:String The type of easing used by the motion tween for the transition effect. Possible values are easeIn, easeOut and easeInOut (default easeOut).
random:Boolean If set to true, allows the transition to be applied on a random direction (default false).
tileHeight:Number The height of the tiles (in pixels) that compose the effect (default 100).
tileWidth:Number The height of the tiles (in pixels) that compose the effect (default 100).
tweenType:String The type of tween motion applied to the transition effect. Possible values are Back, Bounce, Circ, Cubic, Elastic, Expo, Quad, Quart and Sine (default Expo).



Works only with images.

direction:String The direction of the transition effect. Possible values are tl2br (top-left to bottom-right), bl2tr (bottom-left to top-right), tr2bl (top-right to bottom-left) and br2tl (bottom-right to top-left) (default tl2br).
duration:Number The duration (in seconds) of the transition. The parameter also accepts decimal values (default 1).
easing:String The type of easing used by the motion tween for the transition effect. Possible values are easeIn, easeOut and easeInOut (default easeOut).
random:Boolean If set to true, allows the transition to be applied on a random direction (default false).
tileHeight:Number The height of the tiles (in pixels) that compose the effect (default 100).
tileWidth:Number The height of the tiles (in pixels) that compose the effect (default 100).
tweenType:String The type of tween motion applied to the transition effect. Possible values are Back, Bounce, Circ, Cubic, Elastic, Expo, Quad, Quart and Sine (default Expo).



Works only with images.

barWidth:Number The width of the transparent bars (in pixels) used by the transition effect. The width is measured in pixels and any decimal values will be rounded up to integer values (default 50).
direction:String The direction of the transition effect. Possible values are l2r (left to right), r2l (right to left), t2b (top to bottom) and b2t (bottom to top) (default l2r).
duration:Number The duration (in seconds) of the transition. The parameter also accepts decimal values (default 1.5).
easing:String The type of easing used by the motion tween for the transition effect. Possible values are easeIn, easeOut and easeInOut (default easeInOut).
random:Boolean If set to true, allows the transition to be applied on a random direction (default false).
tweenType:String The type of tween motion applied to the transition effect. Possible values are Back, Bounce, Circ, Cubic, Elastic, Expo, Quad, Quart and Sine (default Expo).



Works only with images.

barWidth:Number The width of the transparent bars (in pixels) used by the transition effect. The width is measured in pixels and any decimal values will be rounded up to integer values (default 60).
direction:String The direction of the transition effect. Possible values are l2r (left to right), r2l (right to left), t2b (top to bottom) and b2t (bottom to top) (default l2r).
duration:Number The duration (in seconds) of the transition. The parameter also accepts decimal values (default 1).
easing:String The type of easing used by the motion tween for the transition effect. Possible values are easeIn, easeOut and easeInOut (default easeIn).
random:Boolean If set to true, allows the transition to be applied on a random direction (default false).
tweenType:String The type of tween motion applied to the transition effect. Possible values are Back, Bounce, Circ, Cubic, Elastic, Expo, Quad, Quart and Sine (default Expo).



Works only with images.

duration:Number The duration (in seconds) of the transition. The parameter also accepts decimal values (default 1).
easing:String The type of easing used by the motion tween for the transition effect. Possible values are easeIn, easeOut and easeInOut (default easeOut).
maxWidth:Number The maximum width (in pixels) that the bars from the effect can scale up to (default 100).
tweenType:String The type of tween motion applied to the transition effect. Possible values are Back, Bounce, Circ, Cubic, Elastic, Expo, Quad, Quart and Sine (default Expo).



Works only with images.

barWidth:Number The width of the transparent bars (in pixels) used by the transition effect. The width is measured in pixels and any decimal values will be rounded up to integer values (default 60).
direction:String The direction of the transition effect. Possible values are l2r (left to right), r2l (right to left), t2b (top to bottom) and b2t (bottom to top) (default l2r).
duration:Number The duration (in seconds) of the transition. The parameter also accepts decimal values (default 1).
easing:String The type of easing used by the motion tween for the transition effect. Possible values are easeIn, easeOut and easeInOut (default easeOut).
random:Boolean If set to true, allows the transition to be applied on a random direction (default false).
tweenType:String The type of tween motion applied to the transition effect. Possible values are Back, Bounce, Circ, Cubic, Elastic, Expo, Quad, Quart and Sine (default Expo).
